Inform Your Teaching with Benchmark Assessments
To help your students grow and thrive, you start every school year by getting to know them. At Harris Education Solutions, we recognize that understanding where your students stand academically is more crucial…
September 2, 2021 -
Understanding Student Needs when State Testing is Uncertain
Let’s be honest. State testing doesn’t win any popularity contests with students or teachers. Students complain about how long and boring the tests are. Teachers lament about losing instructional time and that…
December 14, 2020 -
Tips for Assessing Students in the 2020-21 School Year
You know that frequently assessing students is a fundamental component of providing quality education. However, assessments are yet another component that you must adapt to meet the 2020 learning conditions. The basic…
September 10, 2020 -
eDoctrina in the Virtual Classroom
At eDoctrina, our team takes pride in having the opportunity to help both teachers and students succeed in the classroom. Given the changing times, we have also learned to adapt to the…
August 3, 2020