This flexible tool allows districts to configure custom teacher effectiveness calculations to address the requirements of NYS regulation 3012-d (if applicable). The tool can also be used to calculate performance-based bonuses / pay for teachers.
Staff Forms and Improvement Plans

Designated district administrators can create, edit and view improvement plans for all staff in the district, while designated school administrators can create and access improvement plans for only the staff in their building. Teachers cannot create plans but can view their own improvement plans if they have one. The form itself is very user-friendly and requires little training to learn how to complete. Improvement plans have custom workflow states associated with them that allow for easier management and administrators can easily filter for all plans currently in a certain workflow state. There are several other filters / tools designed to make management of improvement plans much easier. In addition, we have built electronic signatures for other forms in our system and would consider doing so for the staff improvement plans if the district is interested. Electronic signatures significantly reduce time by eliminating manually shuffling of paperwork.