Data-Driven Decision Making
What It Is:
Five years ago, very few educators had even heard the term “Data-Driven Decision Making.” Today, very few have not. DDDM, or “informed instruction,” is the practice of using real-time assessment data to inform teachers’ instruction.
By frequently looking at data, educators can know exactly which students are struggling/succeeding and which standards/skills they have mastered or need help with. On a higher level, data is also used to assist in the evaluation of programs and/or curriculum.
How eDoctrina Helps:
eDoctrina is a Data-Driven Decision Making program. It is the tool that creates the data which is so critical to student achievement. Its wide range of reports can help teachers quickly pin-point students and standards with the goal of providing young people with extra help or enrichment activities.
Various reports can provide real-time snapshots on the individual-student, class, grade and even building levels. They can also generate historical data as well as comparisons on large or small scaled.