eDoctrina’s Curriculum Bundle facilitates the sharing of units, lessons and curriculum with colleagues, students & stakeholders across the community. It also provides a central location to house all district curriculum to help focus and guide the work of PLC’s. This tools also makes it possible for educators to easily identify overlaps and gaps in the curriculum across all grades & subject areas. Our solutions are rooted in many of today’s educational best practices. Research-proven techniques such as standards prioritization and student-friendly terminology are embedded within the software.

eDoctrina’s flipped curriculum mapping approach starts with building units of instruction and builds curriculum mapping reports around those units. Custom reports allow teachers to map out multiple subjects or multiple grade levels in a single report.

Scope & Sequence
eDoctrina quickly generates customizable scope & sequence reports from unit plans which saves teachers a tremendous amount of time from creating separate documents.

The unit planning tool allows districts to customize multiple planning templates to include the categories they feel are important. Teachers working in teams can easily collaborate to create common unit plans and share curriculum resources across the district or Professional Learning Community.

The custom lesson planner allows teachers to plan from a calendar view or a list view. Districts decide on the topics they want to include on their lesson plan templates for grade levels/content areas. Lesson plans can be shared with other teachers within the district.

eDoctrina users have the added feature of being able to quickly take pictures and save them to a computer or directly to an eDoctrina lesson plan. This can save a tremendous amount of time by taking pictures of class notes and instantly linking them to lessons and making them available to students, so they can use them to review or if they missed a class. Students can access posted lesson plan and attachments using the online student portal.

Prioritize state learning standards (that come pre-loaded) so teachers can focus their instruction on only those standards that matter most. Districts can also create custom standards for areas or subjects that are not currently addressed within state standards (for example, career preparation, Advanced Placement, etc.). Rate standards using four criteria — endurance, leverage, readiness and high stakes — to come up with a “power” rating that is used to ensure teachers focus their instruction on only the most essential skills. The “Unwrap Standards” tool allows teachers to scaffold, unwrap or even rewrite standards in either “plain English” or student-friendly language.